Hair Transplant Scars
There are two techniques of hair transplant, FUT and FUE. It is a common misconception is that hair transplants do not leave a scar. The process is done using surgical blades or hollow drills which is a completely invasive procedure. Both the procedures are equally invasive with the almost equal recovery period with scaring.
Above and below are photo’s of our client’s in the process of their first treatment to conceal a FUT scar. The process usually requires 3 treatments to get the best result. You can see in the photo’s, even in the middle of the 1st treatment, how effective we can conceal FUT scars.
Call 7 days a week, locations :
Hawthorn, Melbourne 03 8060 7501
Pyrmont, Sydney 02 9171 6823
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Call 7 days a week, locations :
Hawthorn, Melbourne 03 8060 7501
Pyrmont, Sydney 02 9171 6823
Book Online Consultation